High Stakes Roulette

High Stakes Roulette is our high stakes game that offers spins of up to £4,000 each.

    High Stakes Roulette Game Overview

    The minimum bet available in High Stakes Roulette is £10.

    Betting Options

    You can place the following bets in this game - they each have their own odds, as outlined below:

    Bet Type
    Even Money1/1
    Straight Up35/1

    Racetrack Bets

    This type of bet is placed on the 'racecourse' area of the Roulette wheel.

    Neighbour Bets

    Click on a number on the roulette wheel, which will subsequently place a wager on the five neighbouring numbers.

    French Bets

    This bet type is divided into three different sets of wagers, covering three different areas of the wheel.

    These are:

    • Voisins - places a total of nine bets: two covering 0, 2, 3; one covering 4 and 7; one covering 12 and 15; one bet covering 18 and 21; one covering 19 and 22; two covering 25, 26, 28 and 29; and one bet covering 32 and 35.
    • Tiers - places a total of six bets: one covering 5 and 8; one covering 10 and 11; one covering 13 and 16; one covering 23 and 24; one covering 27 and 30; and one bet covering 33 and 36.
    • Orphelins - places five bets on the remaining numbers not covered by the above two bets: one covering 1;  one covering 6 and 9; one covering 14 and 17; one covering 17 and 20; and one covering 31 and 34.

    Bet Limits

    In this game, the bet limits are as below:

    Bet Type
    Maximum Bet
    Straight Up£100
    Even Money£2,000

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