What's For Dinner? Discover the UK’s Winning Dinner Party Menu

We've pulled together the winning menu to wow your dinner party guests with, so you can crack on with the cooking.
24th April 2023

What's For Dinner? Discover the UK’s Winning Dinner Party Menu


Dinner parties are an ideal way for us to get together with our loved ones. Whether you're hosting a bingo party at home or just catching up with loved ones, sitting around a table with a slap-up meal is hard to beat! 

However, when it comes to deciding what to cook for your guests or how to keep the fun flowing, we know that hosting can feel a bit daunting. Not to worry though, we're here to help! 

First, what's on the menu? To help determine the nation's winning dinner party menu, we polled 2,000 UK adults on what dishes they like best. 

We also turned to some of Britain's iconic dining shows, Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date, to find out which foods took the top spots in 100 episodes. 

Since it first hit our TV screens back in 2005, Come Dine With Me has aired over 1,000 episodes from 48 series, and there are over 402 hours of TV magic.  

Dinner Date is slowly catching up too, producing 302 episodes since it first aired in 2010. 

It's clear from the success of these shows just how much we, as a nation, love to get together for a home cooked meal and sometimes unexpected dinner party moments between guests too. 

We combined the info gathered from our survey and research into the shows to identify the top three menu options, so you can have the best chance of winning over your guests! 

And the results are in... 

Getting the party started

The top three starters according to the nation and winning Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date menus: 

  1. Prawn Cocktail (31%) 
  2. Smoked salmon salad (30%) 
  3. Stuffed mushrooms (30%) 

When it comes to the first course of the meal, aka the starters, both the UK public and the winners of Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date agreed that seafood was the best way to get the party started! As a matter of fact, nearly four in ten (38%) of the TV show winners used seafood as the main ingredient in their starters.  

More specifically, prawns seemed to be a favourite. Not only was it the most used ingredient among Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date winners, but around a third (31%) of the people we polled also said that having prawn cocktail as a starter would be the best way to their hearts (or stomachs).  

If prawns aren't your thing, then a smoked salmon salad came in at number two on the list of starters, with just under a third of respondents (30%) saying they're a big fan of this dish. 

If you're not a seafood lover or are looking for a vegetarian alternative, there are several options to choose from too. 

Our research found that mushrooms are a fantastic ingredient for your starting dishes. Not quite a vegetable, this tasty ingredient has featured in the starters of one in ten Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date winners, ranking this as the second-most popular option after seafood.  

Just under a third of the public (30%) would love to be served either stuffed mushrooms or creamy garlic mushroom bruschetta for their first course too. 

And, if none of those appeal then why not try a traditional and crowd-pleasing soup (13%) which was also among the most well-liked dishes for Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date winners. More precisely, it appears that tomato soup (24%) and French onion soup (21%) are all-time favourite flavours in Britain. 

Is anyone else's mouth watering from all this talking about food?

The course everyone is waiting for

The top three mains according to the nation and winning Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date menus:

  1. Steak (44%) / Beef Fillet (38%) 
  2. Lasagne (35%) 
  3. Tikka Masala (27%) 

Our research indicated a steak would be the winning option, as nearly half (44%) of the UK said this would be their preferred main meal, and one in five (19%) would give this dish a 10/10 rating if it were served at a dinner party! 

Steak with chips was the most popular main course among the winners in both TV dining shows too. 

The second most popular main course dish among the nation is beef fillet, which is very similar, but is typically lower in fat than a Rump, Rib Eye or Sirloin steak, making this a slightly a healthier alternative. Just over a third of the nation (38%), said they'd personally prefer this. 

Following steak, the two most popular main course dishes amongst Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date winners included curry (6%) and pasta (5%).  

Our poll revealed the public would most like to be served lasagne (35%), tikka masala (27%), spaghetti bolognese (25%) and Thai green curry (23%) as their main course.  

Amongst Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date winners, chicken was the most frequently used ingredient in main courses, with over a fifth (21%) of the winning contestants using it in their main course. 

When it comes to what chicken dish to go for, there is of course the curry option (fancy a korma, anyone?), while chicken in white wine sauce or a classic chicken caesar salad were also popular. 

It's clear to see the UK are meat lovers when it comes to main courses, as just 4% of the winning main dishes on Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date were vegetarian. Our study revealed that the most popular vegetarian dishes include pizza (31%), vegetable stir fry (24%) and mushroom stroganoff (23%). 

What to serve on the side? 

No main dish is complete without the perfect side! Winners of Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date chose to accompany their main meal with potatoes (35%), rice (12%), and vegetables (10%). 

If you're wondering what kind of potatoes were served, the most popular were dauphinoise potatoes, with 8% of winners serving them, followed by chips (7%) and mash (5%). 

Without dessert, I'd crumble

Dessert can make or break a dinner party (some might even say it's the star of the show), but how can you satisfy your guests' sweet tooth? 

The top three desserts according to the nation and winning Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date menus: 

  1. Cheesecake (51%) 
  2. Chocolate mousse (37%) 
  3. Chocolate fudge cake (37%)  

According to our research, cheesecake is the most popular option for the UK public (51%), and when it comes to flavour, it seems we're all head over heels for chocolate! 

After cheesecake, the most popular desserts were chocolate mousse (37%), chocolate fudge cake (37%) and chocolate brownie (35%). 

A chocolate dessert was the most popular choice amongst Come Dine With Me and Dinner Date winners, with three in ten (31%) choosing it as a main ingredient in their pudding. 

Another popular pud amongst both the nation and winning contestants was ice cream or sorbet, with just under a quarter (23%) of winners serving it as a dessert, and a third (34%) of the UK saying they'd be very happy to see these served at the end of a night. 

What not to serve, according to the nation

Although our research determined which dinner party dishes are a sure-fire way to win over guests, we've also discovered which menu choices may leave your party feeling a little hungry.  

This was determined by asking the nation to choose their ideal dinner party dishes and then seeing what got the lowest scores. Here are the results... 

Least popular starters according to the nation:  

  1. Butternut squash (only 9% would pick this) 
  2. Caprese salad (13%) 
  3. Smoked trout pate (15%) 

When it comes to unpopular starters, it seems like butternut squash (in all forms) was quite unpopular amongst the UK, with 91% stating they would not like to have it served to them at a dinner party.  

Similarly, even though both Italian food and seafood are extremely popular across the country, only 13% and 15% of those surveyed expressed any interest in a Caprese salad or smoked trout pate as a starter, making them the second and third least popular.  

Least popular main courses according to the nation: 

  1. Vegetable tagine (only 13% would pick this) 
  2. Monkfish (16%) 
  3. Moussaka (18%) 

Vegetable tagine was the least preferred main meal among those polled, with 87% of respondents not picking this for their dream menu.  

Monkfish (16%) and the popular Greek dish, Moussaka (18%) came in second and third place. 

Least popular desserts: 

  1. Fruit salad (only 23% would pick this) 
  2. Coffee and chocolates (26%) 
  3. Banoffee pie (26%) 

Our research found that serving fruit could be a hit or miss at your dinner party.  

Although a fruit salad was found to be the least popular dessert dish amongst the nation, fruit overall had a 39% approval rating, so adding a dash of berries or tropical fruit to your ice cream or sorbet won't necessarily put frowns on your guests faces. 

Also, despite our research shining a spotlight on our love for chocolate, it seems that simply offering a chocolate with coffee after dinner, won't be enough for your guests’ sweet tooth. 

Finally, consider putting those bananas down, since banoffee pie also wasn't a popular option. 

Things to consider when planning a dinner party 

To accompany your winning dinner party menu, we've researched and shared some key hosting tips, guaranteed to make your event one to remember (for all the right reasons!) 

Set the scene 

Now you know what you’ll be cooking up in kitchen, it's also crucial to ensure there is a comfortable environment where your guests can patiently wait while you’re preparing your masterpieces.  

Wherever you’re planning to serve your meal, make sure the space is cleared and ready for guests to be seated before they turn up. We don’t want any last-minute scrambles to clear away the kid's toys while your guests watch! 

And if you're in the mood for adding a little extra 'pizzazz', adding decorations such as candles or placemats can make all the difference. 

And if you're planning to treat your guests to some flowers, we advise buying these on the day, so they look their best. You may also want to avoid flowers with a heavy scent (like lilies) as not everyone appreciates these. 

Get the tunes going 

There's no denying that ambience is key to setting the mood of the evening, and what better way to do this than through music?  

Making sure you choose the right playlist can have a significant impact on your guests' experience. In fact, fast-tempo music could encourage your guests to eat faster, whilst slow music, such as classical and light jazz, can encourage them to take their time. 

A quick hint from us: don't forget to test out the volume before you press 'play'. If the music is too loud, then you'll have to shout to hear each other. On the other hand, music that is played too quietly can not only leave room for awkward silence but studies have shown that a lack of music can cause people to think that food is bland! So, get the volume just right while you're eating and then you can turn the tunes up after the plates are cleared. 

The evening entertainment 

Party games are the perfect way to entertain your guests and have fun together! Either while you prepare the meal, or as an after-dinner delight, get the fun started with some classic games such as Cluedo, bingo or the iconic Charades.  

We're all about those moments of joy 

Here at Jackpotjoy, we're all about those winning moments that brighten your day. A dinner party is a great opportunity to get together with your loved ones for good food and shared experiences. 

Whether it's making a name for yourself as the best dinner party host around, or simply playing online bingo with friends, it's these moments that are worth remembering and celebrating.   


Our study sources and methodology: