Joy Bingo

Jump for joy with Joy Bingo!

    Joy Bingo Game Overview

    Grab your tickets and get dabbing with Joy Bingo, a classic 90-ball bingo game with a unique twist!

    Tickets for Joy Bingo start from just 10p a ticket.

    How to Play

    Joy Bingo is played with 90-balls, and there are three prizes to be won in each game:

    • One line – this occurs when all numbers on any horizontal line are marked off
    • Two lines – this occurs when all the numbers on any two horizontal lines are marked off
    • Full House – when all of the numbers on your ticket have been successfully marked off 



    There are two Jackpots to play for in this game: 

    • Super Jackpot
    • Community Super Jackpot

    The terms for each Jackpot are listed below:

    Super Jackpot

    The Super Jackpot is a fixed cash prize which can be won by being the first to win a Full House across selected bingo games within 42 calls.

    One hundred percent of the Super Jackpot prize will be awarded to this player.

    The one available on this game is a fixed cash prize which is won by calling ‘house’ on selected bingo games within 42 calls, known as the ‘ Super Jackpot'.

    Community Super Jackpot

    With the Community Super Jackpot, 50% of winnings go to the player who first calls 'house', while the other 50% will be shared with all the ticket holders within the game!

    Look for the ‘Super Jackpot (SJ)’ symbol in game to see which Super Jackpot is available.

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    Chat hosts are on hand to look after you - they have 'HOST' written at the end of their name, so they're easy to identify.

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